It started around 2004. Dropping a few hours at work so I could balance the work – parent thing. There were lots of others, mostly mothers, offering to read at Mudeford Infants. I did some maths, but saw gaps in the science being offered to students. The Head Teacher was wary because of lack of funds. So I applied for a small grant from the Royal Society Education fund to build an outdoor education garden. With lots of volunteer help we built a bird hide, a massive wormery, a bug hunting trail and installed a weather station and some small benches and tables.
At parties I soon found others with a science background. Science Sisters was born, we brought all sorts of knowledge and resources together, training courses for ourselves and teaching assistants and even funded a mini science festival with science performers from across the country. This evolved into the School Gate Set.
Fast forward to my son’s school and lots of bridge designing, hand washing and London Eye making with other mums getting involved. Finally a full-on science week at Highcliffe St Marks School, Chemistry in My Shopping Basket talk/demonstration and then Experi-tents at Stompin’ and the Food Festival.
Our next grant proposals are based around innovations that have shaped local industries in Christchurch working towards a Discovery Centre to help reinvigorate the High Street. There’s an amazing energy in Christchurch for inspiring the next generation. Stay up to date with progress and join in the fun at DiscoverScienceChristchurch on FaceBook or the webpage.