A joy of my consulting journey has been collaboration with social scientsts and Oxford Research and Policy exploring the education and employment across STEM disciplines and industries. Some of these are published, and others not. Reports can be found in the Katalytik library.
When I was commissioned by the EHRC to explore a cost benefit analysis of diversity across the sector, it soon became clear that diversity related initiatives were a marketing or PR opportunity. The report Good Practice for Diversity in Construction contains case studies and examples and led to me joining the Construction Leadership Council and the CIC diversity group. This report also catalysed the Fairness, Inclusion, and Respect (FIR) programmes across the sector.
This was about exploring and developing interventions to support early career researchers with their wellbeing, including piloting new approaches with Warwick Manufacturing Group. The literature showed gaps in how organisations addressed wellbeing in engineering. Alongside internal research, we piloted workshops using CliftonStrengths to show early career researchers when to ease back, and how they could achieve better wellbeing.
Funded by the HE STEM programme in 2011, I created a partnership, led from UCL, with Imperial, Surrey, and Southampton Universities to explore why women STEM graduates didn’t transition to technical jobs at the same rate as male peers. This introduced me to CliftonStrengths and led to a relationship with UCL Engineering. I also began a deep exploration of inclusion in engineering education and research which resulted in two symposia and a report.